Dr Moammar Alshimirti
Dr Alshimirti is a Specialist Anatomical Pathologist and Cytopathologist who received his degree in Medicine and General Surgery in 1988 from Almustansyria University.
Dr Alshimirti trained as a registrar between 2006 and 2011 at Box Hill Hospital, The Royal Women’s Hospital, The Royal Children’s Hospital, and finally at Melbourne Pathology. He was granted his fellowship in 2011.
From 2012 to mid 2014, Dr Alshimirti worked as a Consultant Pathologist at Melbourne Pathology and Bendigo Health. Since mid 2014 he has worked for us full time.
Dr Alshimirti has lectured at Monash University.
His special interest areas are Gastrointestinal Pathology, Dermatopathology, Urology, and Cytopathology.
Dr Alshimirti speaks fluent Arabic and English